Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Home Alone...eh2, At Office Alone

One by one left for study leave..two other colleagues are staying, but since guys n girls have separate offices, i'm left here in mine..and now i'm alone in the office, still hoping that my study leave will be granted as soon as possible..but it's impossible to leave yet since I need to work here for more than one year to be granted a study leave..i already been offered to 2 universities; however, need to postpone the's a new policy and I have to accept that unless if I want to pay for Master Degree myself, which i don't think i could afford..So, waiting sucks but i need to live with it..

meme n awe

anyway, i just need a long break from work before the new semester, i'll be at home from new year(Maal Hijrah) till end of Christmas...can't wait!

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