Wednesday, November 17, 2010


what would u do if:
a stranger beside you in a train..talking non-stop..nagging bout his marriage matters, family problems, health problems..then suddenly asked bout your personal life????

me??i lied on most things and shouted "GET LOST!" silently..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Big Appetite!

Since jadi student ni, selera makan mebuak2..i think i eat more than i study lately..coz baru je baca few paragraphs, dah mula nak makan..these few days, bila buka tu one portion of food won't be, mesti beli dua..kadang2 tambah lagi last 2 days, bought nasi pataya and bihun goreng..selesai makan for buka, i bought beef burger at the cafe..the next day sahur one third of a pack of gardenia bread with tuna with soya drink..buka KFC dinner plate, maggi, and hupseng with milo..then started to eat chocolate pulak before sleeping..wah, harap2 x gemok la nanti..suke sgt layan nafsu makan nih....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trust Me I'm a Student

same old...same old...been meaning to write a new entry a while ago..but busy getting used to a new environment..well, not really 'new' new; it's kind of a visit to the past..way back like almost a decade ago: HOSTEL LIFE......

oh yeah, i'm no longer a working lady for the next 2 years(insyaAllah), so hello to being a student!at first i was sceptical about living in a hostel after comfortably living in a rented house..but then here i am in a crappy room, making myself comfortable....

the first day i got my room's key, went to check it's a 3rd floor's twin sharing room..semput!~my roomate wasn't there on that day..while stepping in, i almost cried looking at the thickness of dusts everywhere..they're like inches of dusts under the bed, in the metal cupboard, and around the study table..well, didn't i mention that the person i replace left the room only a few hours before i came in??the room was like being left for yearsss!!!my mom laughed looking at my expression..then she was wondering what my roomate will be like..she guessed that my roomate would be chubby and fat; she peeked at some hanging clothes and saw the size: XL, then she saw some boxes of biscuits under the table..haha, so funny la...

so that night, i decided to sleep over at my friend's while thinking how i should start cleaning my place..the next day, came to a meeting then off to KL, still wondering what kind of roomate i would have...

on the weekend, i decided to pack up my stuff and drive for 5 hours to the university..met my roomate for the first mom's guessing was not roomate is just about my size, and she's a nice person too..i'm glad to have such nice roomate :) then i started cleaning surprised about how thick the dusts took me like 3 hrs to get rid of went with lots of sneezing and itching on my skin..felt like i'm breathing normally again after the cleaning session..then it took me almost an hour to unpack my stuff...then a hostel life has began.....

funny that i'm able to wake up very early everyday...and, not owning a washing machine here, i'm able to wash my own clothes...what a's a great workout as well..i'm also trying to discipline myself, setting up 9am-5pm Mon-Thurs as my study days..while weekend Fri-Sun...glad having flexible time here since i'm doing research; no class at need to plan each day on what i should do..i also need to set goals for each month, so that i could take a week leave each month if the goals are reached in 3 weeks time...hope that i can finish up my studies in two years or less...fingers crossed!!~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Perasan Muda

I'm already a quarter century, but I think I'm still young....haha..why?
1. I'm a student living in a crappy hostel...
2. I can still fit my 6 year old jeanss..(havent bought any new jeans since I came back from the US..boohoo)
3. my parents sent me to register on my 1st day in uni..
4. still single and looking, but not desperately...
listed a few here...byk2 nnt terlebih perasan muda lak.. :P


Monday, May 10, 2010

This is not a Karaoke's Lounge

Someone was asking whether her RAs could share office with me, I didn't mind.......
But then, when they're already here, I get pretty annoyed with the loud singing of this one person..
I won't mind if it's just a whisper singing, or a humming sound..but she's singing out loud with a horrible voice..
I can still hear it even when I put on my headphone..
oh please, this is not a karaoke's lounge!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Craps are Back

it's been a while since i last posted an entry here..
so dusty that i have to sweep it away.....

I'm sooo happy today since my work for the semester has been done..It's quite a stressful semester since I got my teaching assignment at the very last minute; added burden: there's no references from the previous lecturers! hence that made my whole 4 months of last minute and HARD work..very2 tiring but I'm glad that I went through it well...and thank God no student fail which made my work easier..ho yeah~

some ppl were asking about my decision of previous here it is.....
why do i choose to stay instead of taking the last job offer that I got???
to tell the truth, I already feel comfortable being where I am now..and the possibility to be posted somewhere far away from home is high if I took the that's why I decided to stay..the part which I don't like doing research is because of fear of the 'unknown'..therefore, there's no harm trying and learn to love could be is very challenging, but i need to tell myself that it's never impossible..lotsa ppl can do it, why don't i???~no nagging anymore...coz I read in some book that u will never be happy if u always questioning about what u r doing with what u should have been thankful of each second of ur life..the past is already gone, future is unknown, and today is all that u have....

In hadith, Rasulullah saw said:"Strive for that which will benefit u, seek help from Allah, don't be weak n don't say: If I had done such n such, the situation would be such n such. But say: Allah has decreed n what He wishes, He does."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sony Alpha


Monday, March 1, 2010

Lack of Focus

Kalo kat dlm crowd of people or somewhere yg ade ramai orang, aku nih memang fail kalo nak recognize orang..nak cari org yg dikenali pon kadang2 melilau2 mata aku..padahal kat depan aku je..silap2 org sbelah pon aku x prasan...rase macam camera aku nye focus tu lagi hebat dari mata aku sendiri...

al-kisahnye smalam naik bas nak blk kuantan..aku dok kat seat blakang sket..then aku dudok la..masa bas nak jln aku lambai2 tgn aku cam dak kecik kat parents aku..pastu aku terperasan from the corner of my eye a guy depan aku toleh 2 or 3 kali kat aku..tapi x tau la sape..kalo knal maybe die dh tegor aku..being an ignorant, aku buat xtau je la coz bila aku try pandang blk org tu die dah toleh ke depan smula...

even kat perhentian R&R even though aku kuar msok bas pon x prasan lagi org tuh..

sampai la bila bas tu dh nk sampai ke destinasi aku nk tu toleh n tegur aku.."miss, tron kat mane miss?miss mmg org kl eh?" omg..out of all ppl i know nape la student aku yg naik satu bas..

so, the conclusion is, kalo sesape yg terserempak ngan aku kat mane2 kalo aku wat bodo meaning aku xtau pon kewujudan korg kat situ..bukannye sombong, kalo terserempak tu, korang tegur la dulu.tu pon kalo nak aku realize korg kat situ, kalo x, biarkan saje aku begitu.......

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Excuse the gedikness

..gambar cilok dr blog AI..

I like watching news on astro awani only when AI is on it............he is cute!! :P

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Antara Dua

“Daripada Aisyah r.a. katanya, Rasulullah saw. tidak pernah memilih antara dua perkara melainkan baginda akan memilih yang paling mudah antara keduanya selagi perkara itu tidak mendatangkan dosa. Jika mendatangkan dosa, baginda adalah orang yang pertama menjauhinya. Rasulullah s.a.w juga tidak pernah menuntut sesuatu perkara untuk kepentingan dirinya melainkan dilakukan untuk kesucian agama Allah, maka pembelaan yang dilakukan olehnya adalah semata-mata kerana Allah Taala.”

Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Friday, February 12, 2010

A great opportunity????

Refer to the previous entry...well, yeah i don't think research is my cup of tea..i have tried to learn n love my current job..yes, i love my current job..but how bout my future job(a step ahead)???sometimes i wonder am i heading to the right path, i mean do i have the 'right' job for me???i know that 'rezeki ada di mana-mana' and 'when there's a will, there's a way', am i willing take another path besides the one that i'm taking right now????

received an offer letter today to another doesn't require me to further study or publish journals, but the job scope and 'tangga gaji' is still the first, i thought that my prayer had been answered since i got the opportunity to do something else..but then, i keep contemplating whether i should go for it or only fear is that they could send me anywhere as far as Sabah for this one..but i wanna be near my hometown.........

and i need to decide by the end of this month, which is only two weeks away......

this is the part of being an adult that i hate the most: making decision!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Teaching is fun, but.........

I don't think research is my cup of tea.........

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kitchen Explosion

Pissed off last night with the ASTRO "No Services" from evening till night..Didn't bother to call the customer service coz I thought that it was due to the rain..So, I ended up staring at the blank TV monitor then after a while fell asleep..


Almost got a heart attack!Instantly I got up an ran toward the front door thinking that my kitchen was exploded!But then when I looked back, saw my tv monitor kissing the floor and one of the table's legs laid aside..
Relieved but shivering at the same time, I checked the kitchen again to make sure the loud noise wasnt coming from there..

Actually, the table that I put my small but bulky TV on is just a cheap, plastic table that I knew in the first place that it's gonna go down one day..but didnt bother to buy an appropriate, in the end, it happened and i still feel the dizziness caused by the shock..

but Thank God the kitchen didnt explode!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bersopan la sikit

I was at a pharmacy this afternoon to buy some supplement and an SA came to me asking whether I needed any help. Well, I think he's doing a good job, unlike typical msians' SAs who would just stare and stand beside u..that's not the main point for this post..

After paying my stuff, I told him that I wanted to redeem a free stuff from some stickers collection that I had since i-dont-know-when..Then he went to the back store to get it..I waited for him at the cashier..then came a man nagging:

Man: mane ni takde orang jaga?nak bayar pon xde orang..nasib la selalu beli kat sini..

duuhh..he was only there at the cashier for  one second and started least he should have asked me first since I was waiting there..malas mau layan that man, I just waited there..Less than thirty secs later, the SA came with my free gift..he went to the cashier and the man nagged again...

Man: ape ni..saya tunggu lama kat sini takde org jaga..nasib la saya slalu beli kat sini..saya kenal sama bos kamu kat sini..

then i gave the way to that man so that the SA could serve him first..he smiled to that man and said, " maaf..saya kat belakang ambil ni"

Man: saya tegur ni untuk kebaikan jugak..kalo takde orang jaga takde orang mau beli nanti..

well, if u read, kinda sounds polite..but I heard the other way around..i'd feel irritated if i were the SA..the SA's smile faded..when it's time he served me i said, "jgn risau, u're doing a great job anyway"....

guess what, he smiled back..

anyway, this is not a tip to flirt with a's just a simple technique in handling people..

typical human being would only see the bad things despite of the good things that one person/thing has..and, do u know that it's rare(especially in my home country) hearing someone being appreciated, when everyone in this world 'craves' to be appreciated?think back...

i gave the man compliment sincerely since he deserved's not a mere's to appreciate that he's doing his job so that he didn't feel bad all day bout what happened earlier........

Friday, January 15, 2010

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