Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kitchen Explosion

Pissed off last night with the ASTRO "No Services" from evening till night..Didn't bother to call the customer service coz I thought that it was due to the rain..So, I ended up staring at the blank TV monitor then after a while fell asleep..


Almost got a heart attack!Instantly I got up an ran toward the front door thinking that my kitchen was exploded!But then when I looked back, saw my tv monitor kissing the floor and one of the table's legs laid aside..
Relieved but shivering at the same time, I checked the kitchen again to make sure the loud noise wasnt coming from there..

Actually, the table that I put my small but bulky TV on is just a cheap, plastic table that I knew in the first place that it's gonna go down one day..but didnt bother to buy an appropriate, in the end, it happened and i still feel the dizziness caused by the shock..

but Thank God the kitchen didnt explode!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bersopan la sikit

I was at a pharmacy this afternoon to buy some supplement and an SA came to me asking whether I needed any help. Well, I think he's doing a good job, unlike typical msians' SAs who would just stare and stand beside u..that's not the main point for this post..

After paying my stuff, I told him that I wanted to redeem a free stuff from some stickers collection that I had since i-dont-know-when..Then he went to the back store to get it..I waited for him at the cashier..then came a man nagging:

Man: mane ni takde orang jaga?nak bayar pon xde orang..nasib la selalu beli kat sini..

duuhh..he was only there at the cashier for  one second and started least he should have asked me first since I was waiting there..malas mau layan that man, I just waited there..Less than thirty secs later, the SA came with my free gift..he went to the cashier and the man nagged again...

Man: ape ni..saya tunggu lama kat sini takde org jaga..nasib la saya slalu beli kat sini..saya kenal sama bos kamu kat sini..

then i gave the way to that man so that the SA could serve him first..he smiled to that man and said, " maaf..saya kat belakang ambil ni"

Man: saya tegur ni untuk kebaikan jugak..kalo takde orang jaga takde orang mau beli nanti..

well, if u read, kinda sounds polite..but I heard the other way around..i'd feel irritated if i were the SA..the SA's smile faded..when it's time he served me i said, "jgn risau, u're doing a great job anyway"....

guess what, he smiled back..

anyway, this is not a tip to flirt with a's just a simple technique in handling people..

typical human being would only see the bad things despite of the good things that one person/thing has..and, do u know that it's rare(especially in my home country) hearing someone being appreciated, when everyone in this world 'craves' to be appreciated?think back...

i gave the man compliment sincerely since he deserved's not a mere's to appreciate that he's doing his job so that he didn't feel bad all day bout what happened earlier........

Friday, January 15, 2010

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