Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kitchen Explosion

Pissed off last night with the ASTRO "No Services" from evening till night..Didn't bother to call the customer service coz I thought that it was due to the rain..So, I ended up staring at the blank TV monitor then after a while fell asleep..


Almost got a heart attack!Instantly I got up an ran toward the front door thinking that my kitchen was exploded!But then when I looked back, saw my tv monitor kissing the floor and one of the table's legs laid aside..
Relieved but shivering at the same time, I checked the kitchen again to make sure the loud noise wasnt coming from there..

Actually, the table that I put my small but bulky TV on is just a cheap, plastic table that I knew in the first place that it's gonna go down one day..but didnt bother to buy an appropriate, in the end, it happened and i still feel the dizziness caused by the shock..

but Thank God the kitchen didnt explode!!



HAHAHAHHA lawak lah. so tv rosak lah? beli baru?


x rosak..nasib still leh guna lagi

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