Friday, February 12, 2010

A great opportunity????

Refer to the previous entry...well, yeah i don't think research is my cup of tea..i have tried to learn n love my current job..yes, i love my current job..but how bout my future job(a step ahead)???sometimes i wonder am i heading to the right path, i mean do i have the 'right' job for me???i know that 'rezeki ada di mana-mana' and 'when there's a will, there's a way', am i willing take another path besides the one that i'm taking right now????

received an offer letter today to another doesn't require me to further study or publish journals, but the job scope and 'tangga gaji' is still the first, i thought that my prayer had been answered since i got the opportunity to do something else..but then, i keep contemplating whether i should go for it or only fear is that they could send me anywhere as far as Sabah for this one..but i wanna be near my hometown.........

and i need to decide by the end of this month, which is only two weeks away......

this is the part of being an adult that i hate the most: making decision!



well, life is all about job? ptd kah?


true, it's all bout choices..
bukan ptd..plv under jpa..


wow... whatever decision you make, i'm sure its the right one for you... at least at that time ;)

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