Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Craps are Back

it's been a while since i last posted an entry here..
so dusty that i have to sweep it away.....

I'm sooo happy today since my work for the semester has been done..It's quite a stressful semester since I got my teaching assignment at the very last minute; added burden: there's no references from the previous lecturers! hence that made my whole 4 months of last minute and HARD work..very2 tiring but I'm glad that I went through it well...and thank God no student fail which made my work easier..ho yeah~

some ppl were asking about my decision of previous here it is.....
why do i choose to stay instead of taking the last job offer that I got???
to tell the truth, I already feel comfortable being where I am now..and the possibility to be posted somewhere far away from home is high if I took the that's why I decided to stay..the part which I don't like doing research is because of fear of the 'unknown'..therefore, there's no harm trying and learn to love could be is very challenging, but i need to tell myself that it's never impossible..lotsa ppl can do it, why don't i???~no nagging anymore...coz I read in some book that u will never be happy if u always questioning about what u r doing with what u should have been thankful of each second of ur life..the past is already gone, future is unknown, and today is all that u have....

In hadith, Rasulullah saw said:"Strive for that which will benefit u, seek help from Allah, don't be weak n don't say: If I had done such n such, the situation would be such n such. But say: Allah has decreed n what He wishes, He does."


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