Saturday, November 12, 2011


sesuka hati pindah blog..kalau nak tau mana leh message ye

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The Prophet SAW was as forbearing towards those under his command as he was towards others. Anas ibn Malik RA said: "I served the Messenger of Allah for ten years; and throughout that entire period, he never once said regarding something I did, 'Why did you do that?' And he never once said regarding something I didn't do, 'Why didn't you do that?' " Everyone who came into contact with the Prophet SAW was immediately impressed by his smiling countenance, easy-going manner, friendly demeanor, and forgiving nature. Their amazement quickly turned into admiration, and then into love that became firmly rooted in their hearts. 
['A'id al-Qarni, Muhammad as if you can see him

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan kareem

Abu Hurairah menyatakan : Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W yang bermaksud : Apabila telah tibanya Ramadhan, dibuka pintu-pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka dan diikat segala syaitan. -Hadis dikeluarkan oleh imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad dan Baihaqi-

Alhamdulillah, bulan yang penuh keberkatan dah pon tiba..setan pon xde time ni, so kita perlu berjuang memerangi nafsu dan memenuhkan masa dengan amalan2 yang diredhai Allah..

Abu Hurairah telah berkata : Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda tentang Ramadhan yang bermaksud : Sesiapa yang mendirikannya(Ramadhan) penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan diampunkan baginya apa dosanya yang telah lalu. - Hadis riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, Tarmizi, Abu Daud, Nasai'e,Malik,Ahmad dan Baihaqi-

kat bawah ni aku nak senaraikan kebiasaan yang berlaku di bulan Ramadhan (yg juga pernah jd kebiasaan aku) yang kita patut renungkan dan seboleh2nya elakkan:

1) time2 bulan Ramadhan ni masing2 jadikan alasan untuk kurang produktif dalam melakukan kerja..badan jadi lesu, ngantuk, cepat's actually in your minds..n maybe what you take during, nak elakkan drp terjadi kelesuan, make sure amik sahur yg ada nutrisi2 penting, and make sure minum air byk skit..sbab kat msia ni kan panas berdekang, mudah dehydrated..and maybe leh amik supplement to keep energized the whole day..

2) benda ni sebelum Ramadhan pon orang dah dok sibuk..sibuk ngan baju raya, kuih raya, langsir raya, renovate rumah utk raya, etc etc..byk kali gak terjadi kat aku..make sure you snap out of it cepat2..bulan mulia ni kita kena bykkan amal..pasal raya tu mungkin boleh dikurangkan..sebab byk benda2 sunat yg kita boleh buat utk dapatkan pahala yg berlipat2 kali ganda..

3) bila dh sibuk pasal raya, mula la nak pi shopping sana sini..lebih2 lagi skarang tengah sale, macam2 yg dibelinya..bila shopping?siang2 takot penat, so shopping lepas berbuka...x payah la galak sgt shopping..apa kata kita p terawih??bukankah itu lagi utama??mengejar keberkatan bulan mulia??

4) azan subuh belum lagi berkumandang..dah berfikir2 apa juadah berbuka hari ni??nak beli apa di bazar ramadhan?nak masak apa??bukan takat masa sahur je..tgh dok bekerja pon pikir..siap tgk jam berpuluh2 kali menanti detik berbuka..hmm..slalu gak aku macam ni..tapi, apa kata kita penuhkan masa2 tersebut untuk ingat Allah..berzikir n selawat byk2, x kira di mana saja; sama ada masa bekerja, masa berjalan menuju ke suatu tempat, tgh drive, tron tangga, berehat sekejap etc etc..insyaAllah lagi berkat..

5) berbisness..ini x salah, malah dituntut sebab mencari rezeki yang halal..tapi kadang2 berbisness ni mengurangkan amalan kita..dulu2 ms skola aku slalu la tolong mak aku bisness kuih raya..order bertimbun2 sampai x menang tgn (Alhamdulillah rezeki masuk) buat kuih sampai kadang2 x tido n x terawih..masa sahur n berbuka pon still lagi buat my opinion, mmg bagus berbisness tp berpada2 la..jgn sampai amalan lain terganggu..

6) perasaan 'x sabarnye nak raya!'..kecik2 dulu slalu camni kan..harap2 bila dah dewasa kita try la berfikir 'aku nak manfaatkan sepenuhnya Ramadhan ini'..sbab perasaan x sabar nk raya tu, bila dah tiba raya, terus x teruja..rasa mcm biase je (time dewasa ni la)..tapi bayangkan kalau kita terawih hari2, sebelum ni x pnah solat sunat sebelum n selepas solat wajib kita buat time Ramadhan, try to involve in charity, dpt khatam Quran dlm masa sebulan, dpt berqiamullail, maybe dpt siapkan kerja lagi byk drp bulan2 biasa...bila tiba je Syawal, insyaAllah kita akan jadi org yg lebih bersyukur dan mengharap supaya diberikan umur yg panjang untuk bertemu dgn Ramadhan lagi..and akan terasa nikmatnya raya bila kita penuhkan hari2 Ramadhan dgn amalan yg baik..

So, jom kita sama2 cuba untuk memperbaiki diri n sama2 la kita manfaatkan bulan mulia ni ya..Selamat berpuasa untuk semua umat Islam...moga Ramadhan kali ini dipenuhi keberkatan, insyaAllah..Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!

Daripada Abi Soleh Az-zayyat bahawa dia telah mendengar Abu Hurairah berkata: Rassullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang bermaksud : Setiap amalan anak Adam baginya melainklan puasa maka ia untukKu dan Aku akan membalasnya. Dan puasa adalah perisai, maka apabila seseorang berada pada hari puasa maka dia dilarang menghampiri(bercumbu) pada hari itu dan tidak meninggikan suara.Sekiranya dia dihina atau diserang maka dia berkata : Sesungguhnya aku berpuasa demi Tuhan yang mana diri nabi Muhammad ditanganNya maka perubahan bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah pada hari qiamat daripada bau kasturi, dan bagi orang berpuasa dua kegembiraan yang mana dia bergembira dengan keduanya apabila berbuka dia bergembira dengan waktu berbukanya dan apabila bertemu Tuhannya dia gembira dengan puasanya. -Hadis riwayat imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Habban dan Baihaqi-

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

oh Durian

Musim durian kali ni lain daripada yang sebelum ni..ini xde kena mengena dengan peralihan waktu musim atau penemuan durian sebesar gajah..tapi yang pelik kali ni ialah 'aku'..nak tau kena baca sampai habis..

start bulan jun tahun ni, berlonggok2 durian dijual di tepi jalan dan di pasar malam..aku tengok jadi teringin la jugak..tapi masalahnye xde member gile durian yg boleh aku pau seulas dua..sebab aku xde la gila sampai nak beli sebijik makan kalau lalu je tepi org jual durian aku tengok aje la..

ye aku memang bukan hantu durian..kalau makan pon sekali hadap paling banyak 3 ulas je..tiap kali papa bwk balik dari kebun dulu, yang selalu perhabiskan cuma adik bongsu aku n mama..diorg paling suka durian dlm famili..n tiap kali ade durian diorg slalu tanye, "cukup ke?habis nanti jgn menyesal" memang aku x menyesal....

tahun ni, aku p field trip buat keje kat kebun kelapa sawit..kebetulan kebun tu ade pokok durian, sampai2 je, owner kebun tu p kutip durian yg dah gugur and kopek kat situ jugak..jadi breakfast aku la di pagi hari..tgh2 lapar makan durian..n surprisingly, boleh pulak aku telan satu per satu ulas non-stop sampai la x nampak isi lagi kat pangsa2 durian tu..mungkin sebab lapar..mungkin juga nikmat makan di dalam kebun beramai2..ape2 pon kali ni aku makan byk drp biasa..

best jugak sbenanye dpt p field trip tu..makan durian n dgr durian jatuh..yg xleh nak lupa masa p kat satu pokok sawit ni yg btol2 bwh pokok durian..lepas beredar dari pokok tu, baru je jalan dalam 10 meter 'duuuppp!' jatuh sebijik kat spot yang sama aku berdiri tu..alhamdulillah, nasib la x jatuh masa aku berdiri kat situ..kalau x 'masok paper Metro Harian' la bak kata Dr H..

selepas selesai keje aku kt situ, owner kebun tu bwk la kitorg p kat umah sorg owner kebun yg len..p beli durian selonggok utk kitorg bwk balik..

mula2 igt xmau amik, tp bos dah soh amik 2 bijik aku bwk je la p lab aku..offer kat Lincoln mamat pakistan labmate..muka dia sgt excited mula2 sbab dia crita ade kwn dia habaq pasal durian, "it smells like hell but tastes like heaven", masa aku dh kopek durian guna sudu besi, mula2 dia x reti camne nak amik seulas durian tu..dia igt leh amik kecik, aku perhati je la dia amik sudu aku p kaut yg kat hujung sikit..rase nk tergelak tgk mamat tu terkulat2 mase makan..haha dia x suka rasa durian rupenye!pastu aku tunjuk cara nak amik seulas, amik ko besar gile seulas tu..pastu dia dah sentuh satu aku paksa amik makan yg dh disentuh tu..hampa btol mamat tu merasa durian yg x sesedap yg disangka..then sebijik tu aku n labmate lg sorg la perabiskan sbab mmg tinggal kitorg je dlm lab time tu..

satu lagi aku bwk balik bilik, makan lg 3 ulas pastu yg selebihnye aku masukkan dlm tupperware utk bwk balik kampung the next day...x terkira la bape byk durian aku makan hari tu..nak tido pon susah sbab panas gile badan mcm org demam..sedar2 dr tido pon badan panas lagi..first time melantak durian sampai panas badan...

balik2 kampung, the next day parents aku beli durian yg dah kopek isi kuning..sedap berlemak, aku melantak lagi..a day after tu parents aku beli lagi durian kampung 9 bijik..melantak, 4 hari berturut2 kenduri durian..mmg lain drp kebiasaan lah utk aku..buang tebiat melantak durian pulak..

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dayah & Akap

A very brief story on how two people became soulmates.......
I have known Dayah and Akap since primary school, but they both hadn't met back then, until the reunion on March, 2010 where they met for the first time..

They sat on each end

Akap was interested in Dayah, and one of our friends, Acap hitched them together..They were engaged on July 2010, and got married a year later..

I'm very amazed how Allah arranges on how they're matched..they were so near yet so far apart more than a decade ago, but then when the time was right, He met them together..and now they're newly wed!So happy for them, and may there be more following their path toward building up a family...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Like a walking robot

Walking has been hard for me these few days, i guess it's because i didn't warm up before playing paintball last Sunday.served me right!hah!

It seemed that last weekend was a really short one since I came home late and got back to school first, on Friday i planned to go back home in the afternoon, so bought a ticket in the morning then suddenly around 12pm, my supervisor called for some emergency matter. She told me to prepare something and make it done by the end of 'the day' which means I had to finish up by around 6pm..So, my train ticket was burned to finish up my work..managed to complete it and then decided to still go back home since i already promised to my mum..I called her about planning to take the night train, then suddenly i was thinking to bake carrot cake when i get back..

arrived KL Sentral at 6.40 and I was quite surprised with the crowd since it was still early and it's Saturday! *KL weh, u're not in school duuhh!~* Then took the commuter and arrived home at around 7.30am..At home my mum told me that she had all the ingredients for carrot cake.."Semua barang dah ada..kata nak buat, buat ye!" managed to bake my own carrot cake that turned out good!it made me want to bake some other cakes when coming home next time..*fingers crossed*

carrot cake with cream cheese topping and grated chocolate
 It wasn't that hard to bake a cake, but the preparation of ingredients was quite tedious coz I had to measure them accurately, if not the cake wouldn't turn out as good..I myself love to eat this self-made, whatever people say about the taste, i won't mind, but mostly said it's yummy thus i'm glad it is..on Saturday evening, my sv bbm'ed me about a meeting on monday morning; i was thinking to go back to school on monday but had to cancel that thought and so i bought a Sunday's night ticket; thus another night on the train..

on sunday morning, went to cyberjaya to play paintball with stevens' friends..i don't know why i didn't bother to call my girlfriends to ask whether they're coming; assumed that they'd come based on the facebook confirmation..turned out that they didn't come at all coz of some other matters, but thank God syafiq brought his fiance along; so i wouldn't be so awkward to join the all-guys first it was raining, so we cancelled the paintball and head to mamak's restaurant to get some breakfast..suddenly the rain stopped and the guys decided to play..i played as well n i'm the only girl playing, haha!whatever, i was excited to play when coming, so i must play anyway!

out of 11 who came, only 8 went for the battle
we took 500 pallets each; that's quite a lot and i didn't keep track of how many games we played, but it's scarily-fun(*still wanna use an oxymoron*).. :P fun coz i could shoot people but scary to get shot!overall, i don't know how many of my shots hit the opponent; but i had 4 shots on my legs, 3 shots on my arms, one shot on my neck, thumb, n shoe, and 4 headshots(luckily there's a mask there) total of 7 red bruises on the legs and arms which turned to ugly purple today..they do hurt, but bearable..what's annoying is the muscle strain on my thighs, which i think occurred coz i didn't warm up before the game, and also strain on the arms due to carrying the heavy marker..i hope they'll relieve soon, so that i won't feel walking like a robot anymore..however, if anyone ask whether to play paintball again, i definitely will say YES!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pro.......let me spell the rest of the words later

by Dave Walker
Does anybody have any medication for procrastination? 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dr Spell-It-Right is here!

Thanks to spellchecker, I don't have to worry about my spellings anymore..That would minimize mistakes while writing; therefore, grammar is all i need to be aware of. However, I guess some people do not take advantage of it, and make major spelling mistakes all over their documents.
Wanna share what I'd found recently:

  1. 'decision' was spelled as 'decition' in the whole document.
  2. 'harvest' was spelled as 'harveness' (oh, now it's been underlined in red!)
  3. it is supposed to be 'bunch' but that person wrote 'branch' (urmm..can u tell any similarity between both?NOT!)
How would you feel reading a doc with spelling errors??It gives me headache especially when you don't know what's going on and wanna find it out on that doc!if it's grammatical error, I would understand..grammar isn't easy, right?What if people misunderstand the thing that you wanna convey to them?That'd be a disaster.

Soooooooo, people!please,please,PLEASE!!!turn on your spellchecker always, and do check those red underlines on your written document first before distributing it to others!!!do browse through what you type and find the RED UNDERLINES!!and oh, if u're not sure about certain words, GOOGLE them!or simply go to etc to find their meaning and how to use easy is that with internet?u don't have to flip through the thick bulky dictionary like old time!and you don't need any teacher to be by your side to check every word.

p/s: please excuse my emotion..i get easily annoyed with even such petty thing.. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tajuddin Hussain and Ais Tingkap

As a continuation from the previous entry, i'll tell about the best (at least for current find) Nasi Kandar's place in town, Tajuddin Hussain. You can't tell it sells the best food from the look of the place, it's like old-school 'warung'. but when you see the crowd, you know how good the food is. Arrived around 1pm; obviously it's lunch time, and the place is so packed with people that we had to wait for a while till there're four empty chairs for us to sit on. Then we ordered out food. Would love to try their briyani;however, it's finished already! what's left only white rice and nasi tomato, so we chose to eat nasi tomato. 3 of us ordered ayam ros and another person ordered kurma kambing. And when our food came.........

Ayam Ros. It's a quarter of a whole chicken.

Full plate nasi tomato.
I was surprised with the portion of the rice. ONE FULL PLATE! since i had nasi lemak and karipaps for breakfast, i thought that i couldn't finish eating the food. My stomach got full after eating half plate. 2 of my friends had given up after half plate, one finished eating, and I almost decided to give up. But then while listening to my friends' stories, i just ate the rice bit by bit till.....

my empty plate!
Yay!Victory!hahaha..yeah, managed to finish up my food!see, the food is so good that even my full stomach couldn't resist..Ayam ros tasted great; however, if you can't stand spicy food, you could opt for kurma instead. I'd tried kurma kambing(lamb kurma), and it tasted good as well since there's no typical smell of lamb(dunno how  to describe). everything was good!It didn't disappoint us who wanted to get briyani in the first place.

Opening hours: 1100-1530 and 1830-2200. Closed on Sunday
I guess I should go there again some time to get the briyani. maybe should be there by 11am to avoid disappointment. :)

Total damage: ayam ros + nasi tomato + limau ais = rm7.80. kurma kambing = rm6.50
 If you are wondering where to find this place, you can google the place's name to get the full address. I only know that it's located on Lebuh Queen and near Lebuh Pasar. Oh ya, there's even a stall that sells some kuih-muih on the intersection of those roads.

kuih-muih stall.
Didn't try any since I was full and couldn't even look at food that time. but my friend bought some samosas and she said that they're yummy that she'd buy again next time.  

Ais Tingkap
Next stop was the Ais Tingkap(Ais Sherbet). At first, i thought that it tasted like normal sirap ros drink. 
Ais tingkap bungkus rm1.70. it's rm1.50 in a cup.
It's called ais tingkap since it was sold through a window earlier during -i don't know when-. It's made with sherbet ice, sirap ros, getah anggur, biji selasih, kelapa muda, and a spray of some herbal ingredient. The taste was sooooooooo refreshing!!!I won't be lying if I tell you that it's the best drink i had in my life!fuhh~kinda sound exaggerating, but i'm not kidding!i love it!and of course, want it more!
If you are wondering where to find this place, it's just beside Chowrasta. You can find Pasembor Chowrasta near the place. I wouldn't bother trying it(still full with Tajuddin Hussain's).

 Or, if you're like 'where the heck is Chowrasta?', then find the police station and go to this alley opposite the police station.Still don't know how to find and want to depend on your GPS?look in google map or just google bout it. i'm sure there're many blogger who posted the full address with it's exact coordinate.
i call this 'ceruk' alley

Rainforest Bakery

Suddenly feel like blogging about food hunting missions that my friends and i went around penang. It is a place that's rich with variety of yummy food, so i think i should share some of the experiences trying out in different eateries. Therefore, i'll start with the recent ones, then will try to post up with the old ones.

It started with me craving for bagels with cream cheese after having a dream about grabbing some blueberry bagels but the dream of taking even a bite of it didn't happen. So, I started to google 'bagels penang' and it led me to this website. Since it was a Sunday, Rainforest Bakery should be closed, so I decided to check it out on the next weekend. However, a friend suddenly initiated the idea to go there on Wednesday, so with the last minute plan, we went for a long lunch break that day. Went to Tajuddin Hussain and Ais Tingkap as well. Gonna put those in some other posts.

The bakery is located on Lebuh Chulia. It's just a small place, but well known with their healthy and organic breads. I believe that the owner had travelled around Europe to get hands on experience of bread making. Won't explain any further; you can find more information on the website that i posted previously. Just enjoy the pics below!

My friend bought this carrot cake. She said that it tasted soooo goooood. To those carrot cake lover, you should get this coz it's loaded with shredded carrots n walnuts. And the price is reasonable, cheaper than Secret Recipe's.
Focacia bread, an Italian bread. RM3.90

Raisin Twist, RM3.70.
Scones, a pack of 5 for RM5.50. Love the texture, and tasted good.(Actually, this is my first scones)
Parmesan biscuits. RM1.30 each.
Chewy nut trail, RM3.80. This cookie is loaded with many kinds of nuts and  honey spread.  They gave us some to taste. so delicious that I will definitely get this when I come back.
Garlic butter, RM7.50. They made this.
Hosni, kak Kay, and Eisha being hyped in the bakery.
Last but not least, my poppy seed n sesame bagels(RM1.50 each) with cream cheese(add RM1 for each bagel).
By the way, it is better to call first if you have specific bread that you want to get. We ordered our bagels before coming there, so that we wouldn't be disappointed if the bagels tray is empty(coz it is!). Oh, and you can even find a vegan loaf here for RM3.60(250g).

Overall, everything that we bought from here tasted so good and it's a place that I will definitely go again someday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Silent Rain

I was busy writing n running program, n when i looked out the window it was raining..didn't hear any sound of was silence..the birds were chirping and the sky was blue..that's how i didn't realize that it's raining...

people will always keep asking 'how are u', 'how's study', 'how's health'...blabla...n the answer would always be: 'i'm doin great' to keep it short..

how great?u could see how much free time there was going here n there, eating good food everywhere, gossiping with friends, doing new things, shopping at the mall, the unneeded of a doctor, calming face while doing work..etc..

the feeling of giving up everytime no solution is yet to be seen...??let it be like the silent rain...n hope that it'll stop someday

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